Facial Procedure

Scar Revision


Scar revision operation aims to remove or hide scars that have appeared due to several factors, such as wounds, surgical incisions, and burns.

It's essential to know our doctors can't remove that scar tissue entirely, but they can reduce the scar as much as possible. Again, the aim is to get rid of pain and deformities of tissues.

Scar revision surgery treats scars on the face and other body parts. It can also be used when the scar reaches the muscles or joints, causing a restriction in range of motion and the development of deformities in the affected area. In this case, the surgery aims to relieve the condition in the field of movement of the muscles.

Am I a suitable candidate for this operation?

The potential candidate for scar treatment should be an adult who feels uncomfortable or embarrassed from scars on the face or other body areas. In addition, the patients must not be in an active case of pimples, acne, or any active infections; they must also be in a state of psychological stability that allows them to do the surgery.

A suitable candidate must be in good general health, non-smoker, and not suffer from any allergy to any drugs used during or after the operation.

The Effectiveness of Autologous Lipofilling for treating face scars

A study was published in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery in May 2014. The study included that autologous lipofilling has become a standard procedure for any indication in plastic surgery. The results of the reports were an improvement in scars after autologous lipofilling, especially in burn cases. The mechanism is still unclear, but it is hypothesized that the mesenchymal stem cells and numerous growth factors contained in the lipoaspirate contribute to the skin and scar treatment.

Techniques used in Scar Revision Operation

There are several techniques used in scar revision operation, including:

Surgical Scar Revision treats postoperative scars or deep scars resulting from acne. Treating scars begins by subjecting the patient to local or general anesthesia. According to the patient's condition, the depth of the wounds, and their spread area.

Laser Scar Revision is preferred for many patients and doctors alike, as the laser helps flatten the skin and eliminate superficial and deep scars without damage or severe side effects. The doctor determines the number of sessions according to the patient's condition.

Topical treatment Of Scar Revision: Topical treatment with creams such as retinoid products, which stimulate collagen secretion, and salicylic creams, which are used to treat superficial and medium scars.

Chemical peels for Scar Revision: many doctors perform chemical peeling of the skin using fruit acids to remove scars, especially simple and medium scars. This process is done through a substance called fruit acids, where the highly effective acid is placed on the skin to get rid of the damaged layers, renew them, and stimulate the secretion of collagen and elastin.

Filler injection for Scar Revision: filler injections improve the appearance of deep scars and make them less visible, but the process remains with temporary results. So it usually needs to be repeated periodically, at least every three months.

Stages of Scar Revision Surgery

Here are the most important precautions you need to know before the operation:

  • Our doctors will make a pre-consultation meeting with the patients to determine if they suffer from certain diseases that prevent them from performing the surgery.
  • The patients must tell the doctor about the reasons that prompted them to perform this type of surgery, and the doctor will explain the areas from which they can remove scar tissue.
  • Some tests should be done, such as complete blood count, blood chemistry test, blood clotting function test, chest scan, and electrocardiogram in older patients.
  • The doctor should be consulted regarding the medications that the patient should stop taking before the surgery.
  • The patient must stop drinking alcohol for 48 hours and fast for 8 hours before the surgery.

Scar Revision Surgery is performed as follows:

  • Sterilize the scar's area, then separate the scar tissue using forceps.
  • Make an incision if the scar reaches the joint or muscle, separate the affected tissue, and then wholly sew the tissue.
  • Sew the new incision and put a bandage on the area.

In most cases, the patient remains under medical supervision for 24 hours after the surgery to ensure his condition is stable. The bandage can be removed within a few days, while the stitches can be removed within a week. Bleeding under the skin is likely absorbed by the body within two weeks.

Pain relievers can be used as needed. The patient should visit the doctor immediately if symptoms appear, such as severe pain, high temperature, shortness of breath, bleeding, or purulent secretions from the surgical incision.

Why the HospitalXP brand?

If you decide to make the operation, you are in the right place!

We use high-quality materials and the latest devices and technologies in the world. In addition, we have a professional team of experts and specialist doctors with Ph.D. degrees. Our team provides comprehensive care for perioperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. Our team takes the necessary precautions, studies the health status, and makes the examinations required for the patient before undergoing surgery. As a result, it limits the risk rates until they are almost non-existent.

In addition, intensive care is done during the surgery using high-quality materials and modern devices. The operation is performed by highly qualified, trained, and expert doctors and specialists.

asked questions

It varies based on the treatment and the location and size of the scar to be treated. It may also vary according to the cost of the hospital and the patient's general health and physical condition.

Getting rid of facial scars and getting younger and fresh skin, enhancing psychological state and self-confidence, improving muscle function and facial expressions that are hindered by scars, and treating scars resulting from burns and accidents that cause significant loss of normal skin tissue.

It is a safe procedure. Many studies have proven its effectiveness, primarily when it is performed according to the correct indication and the appropriate treatment method for each case. In addition, most techniques have minor side effects and are easy to manage.

The recovery period and the time required for results to appear varies according to the chosen treatment technique. For example, some methods take months, such as chemical peels, while in surgical or laser procedures, the results appear after a short period of about 10-12 days.

It is impossible to remove scars permanently despite the varied treatment methods, but it is possible to reduce the probability of noticing these scars to a minimum. Results may vary according to the treatment procedure type, the scar's nature and location, and the patient's response.