


Botox is the trade name for a substance called Botulinum Toxin, a neurotoxin that is extracted from a type of bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum, which causes food poisoning.

Botox works by weakening and reducing muscle contractions so that it inhibits and blocks the nerve release of acetylcholine, which signals muscles to contract.

Botox is used for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes as well. Before injecting it, it purifies it to avoid causing any harm and give positive results in its various fields of use.

Botox injections are not the appropriate way to fill the face. It does not fill the existing wrinkles but only weakens the nerve cells, causing relaxation of the muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles.

Am I a suitable candidate for this operation?

Botox treatment is mainly used to treat early wrinkles. It is suitable for women under 35 years old. Suitable for forehead wrinkles, wrinkles between the eyebrows, wrinkles under the eyes, wrinkles of the chin, and front neck.

Mothers should pay attention to performing this operation as it is impossible to use Botox injections for pregnant and lactating women.

Techniques used in Botox operation

Botox operation works mainly by one technique:

Botox injection:

Botox is the world's most popular aesthetic application. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is injected into the skin, causing the muscles to relax and stop contracting. When muscles stop contracting, they cannot form lines and wrinkles, resulting in smoother, wrinkle-free skin.

Stages of Botox operation

To determine the area to be treated based on the skin's kind, thickness, and texture, the surgeon and patient consult with each other before the procedure. In addition, the patients must inform the surgeon of all the medications they are taking before the operation.


The surgeon performs a botox operation with injections. The injection is performed under local anesthesia for the skin with an ointment. In some cases, anesthesia may not be required. A thin injection is inserted under the skin of the face in the muscle line, and then Botox is injected. Minor bleeding may occur in the area of the needle insertion and usually stops within a few minutes, and the procedure usually takes about 10 minutes.


The patient can return home immediately after the completion of the Botox injection, and sometimes other sessions are performed depending on the patient's situation.

The patient should avoid rubbing the area where the Botox was injected and avoid lying on the injection site, as this may cause the Botox to spread to areas outside the facial muscles. Some painkillers can be taken if the patient feels pain after the Botox injection. Some signs of local bleeding and swelling in the injection area may appear and usually disappear within a few days.

Botox injections usually appear within one week after the procedure, and the results may vary from person to person.

Why the HospitalXP brand?

We use high-quality materials and the latest devices and technologies in the world. In addition, we have a professional team of experts and specialist doctors with Ph.D. degrees.

Our team provides comprehensive care for perioperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. Our team takes the necessary precautions, studies the health status, and makes the examinations required for the patient before undergoing surgery. As a result, it limits the risk rates until they are almost non-existent.

In addition, intensive care is done during the surgery using high-quality materials and modern devices. The operation is performed by highly qualified, trained, and expert doctors and specialists.

After the operation, the doctors monitor your condition and provide the necessary care.

asked questions

Botox and fillers are entirely different in treating the skin; both treat wrinkles, but Botox works to relax the muscles to reduce the appearance of those wrinkles, while the fillers work to fill the spaces in the skin below the wrinkles.

The final results of the Botox injection will appear after a week of Botox injection.

The effect of Botox injection is temporary; it can last several months. The duration varies from person to person, depending on the nature of the patient's body, skin, and condition.

There are no significant risks of Botox injections. People can continue their daily lives a few days after Botox injections. However, there may be bruising and slight redness in the area where Botox is applied, which will disappear with time.

The cost of a Botox injection varies depending on the dosage, the volume, and the location of the injection.
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